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Whisper Wash Swivel

Whisper Wash Swivel

Regular price $450.00
Regular price $450.00 Sale price $450.00
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For replacing the whisper wash swivel on the WW Classic, Ground Force, Lil Big Guy, Big Guy, and Maxima.

For replacing the whisper wash swivel on the WW Classic, Ground Force, Lil Big Guy, Big Guy, and Maxima.  This is the Green top Swivel and can be easily replaced.  Replacing the swivel when it goes bad, or even on a regular basis, like once every 2 years or so, will help restore the performance to the surface cleaner.  Always replace nozzles on a frequent basis as well to.  I usually replace my nozzles every 2-3 weeks depending on the usage.

I have an awesome Online Pressure Washing School that is perfect if you are just starting a pressure washing business.  You can also get some great tips at my You Tube Channel.

If you have any questions about our products please use the CONTACT FORM

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