A few years back, Doug Rucker was providing a weekly "TWO TIP TUESDAY" video. The focus was on actual cleaning tips from a job site he was on or competed recently. This video post is a return to that type of content. This was a local bank which he cleaned using a 4 gallon per minute pressure washer machine. I normally clean with an 8 gallon per minute machine, but also realize many in the business are not quite there yet. And that's especially true for those who are new to the business. So hope these pressure washing tips will you as you start and grow your business. Be sure and leave a comment if you have any questions!
The first of these PRESSURE WASHING TIPS centers around the bypass loop. I made a conversion that would allow be to be off the trigger and not burn up the pump. Sometimes you need to set the gun down and go to the truck to get something. Whether you're spraying or using the surface cleaner, this greatly increases your efficiency and your flexibility on the job. It prevents over heating the pump because the water bypasses the pump when you're not on the trigger. To do so, we remove the black loop hose and add a barb right off the unloader. Then we plug the bottom portion and the water can just circle back into the tank through a hose.
The second of these PRESSURE WASHING TIPS is to use a downstream bypass injector for down streaming. Be sure and pay close attention to water flow direction. It is simply a personal preference to choose between socket in, plug out, or plug in, socket out. You can find clear instruction on this issue at the 7:15 time stamp. Then we use a X-Jet bucket for the building wash. There are pictures of this bank building for you to see at the 9:15 time stamp as well. Spray technique by pre-wetting to dilute the bleach is also an important strategy for this particular job site, given the location of dark streaks on the wall. At the end, enjoy before and after pictures and video from this commercial pressure washing job. If this video post has been helpful to you, perhaps you should consider my online video school! It has over 250 videos for your learning at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home or office.